With the passing of Steve Jobs this week juxtaposed against the announcement and release of the new iPhone 4S, the technology media have been atwitter with their views of Apple’s success or failure to continue their recent successes. In reading a wide range of such writing, it strikes me that most miss the point entirely. The reason is ironically the same reason that Apple is so successful: it’s really difficult to understand people and what they want.
Over the past few years I have spent substantial time studying direct response marketing (such as the marketing done by companies who take out those one-page ads for subglasses or the Internet marketing that offers you a free report for handing over your email address). One of the primary tenants of direct response marketing is this: it doesn’t matter what you want or what you think about those who make up your market. All the matters is what they actually want. Figure that out and you’ll be successful. In fact, your success will be in direct proportion to the accuracy of your understanding. Most technology writers and those who live their lives consumed with technology miss entirely the preferences of the vast majority of people. That’s why Apple is successful. It’s also why I have migrated exclusively to Apple products.
The bottom line: most people just want stuff that works. They don’t want to customize it more than putting their own wallpaper on the screen. They don’t want to hack into it or understand how it works. They want to use it, get their activities done, and keep living their lives.
Apple products do this really well. In fact, Siri—the new Apple iPhone 4S’s mechanism for voice interaction—is the opposite of what most geeks say is needed: it will create less interaction with the screen rather than more.
Today, John Gruber of Daring Fireball wrote an article specifically about the iPhone 4S and everything the pundits are saying Apple got wrong. I agree 100% with what he says. I expect the iPhone 4S to be the most popular iPhone ever much to the shock of those who think the screen needs to be bigger or that it needs to have a replaceable battery or LTE networking.
It doesn’t. It’s a great upgrade. I’ll have mine in a week and will be sure to let you know what I think after I’ve had some time with it.
What do you think?